Highland Machinery 6ft Scrub Topper ST6 with chain cutters for sale

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Highland Machinery 6ft Scrub Topper ST6 with chain cutters for sale

Highland Machinery 6ft Scrub Topper ST6 with 3 x 10mm hardened chain cutters for sale, circular chain/blade holder with bushes, re-inforced top plate, double skinned gearbox mounting, chain deflectors, side skids, floating tip link, shearbolt drive line protection with spare shear bolts, 540rpm PTO shaft with shearbolt driveline protection. Can be supplied with a blade kit as an extra.

This is a dual purpose machine for cutting whins, broom, rashes and other scrub, as well as topping grass. It can be fitted with chain cutters when working in stony ground where stones would damage the blades. If working in stone free ground, the full length blades will slice through established rashes butts with ease. Highland Machinery developed this machine for us, as we recognised that many of our customers in the highlands need a grass topper that can handle whins and rashes and yet be used on smaller tractors.

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